Monday, January 6, 2014

How to ACTUALLY Achieve those New Year's Resolutions!

I know, I know.  Social media is FULL of people making resolutions and goals for the New Year.  I feel like I can't log onto Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram without seeing a ton of posts all about eating healthier, working out more, becoming financially savvy, or spending more time with family.

According to an article on Forbes, some estimates say that over 40% of Americans make New Year's Resolutions.  That's awesome! Or is it?  The University of Scranton research suggests that just 8% of people actually achieve their resolutions.  Where is the breakdown?  Why is this happening?

Setting goals is a part of life.  As a teacher, I try to make it a habit to have my students create goals all throughout the school year.  It's human nature to want to better yourself, and a lot of times, the possibility of becoming a better version of yourself is what keeps a lot of us getting out of bed every day.  The problem is not that people are setting goals, and then just giving up on them, or forgetting about them.  The problem is...


Don't get me wrong, long-term goals are extremely beneficial, and it helps to look down the road ahead to give yourself some direction in life.  However, it's the smaller, short-term goals that are the vehicles to get you to that end destination.  

Why even create New Year's Resolutions, or any goal for that matter, if you have no intention of achieving them?  One of the biggest reasons why people don't achieve their resolutions is because they are too broad, too in the distance, and too generic.  

When I created my list of resolutions, I definitely had a few long-term goals listed.  But I also made sure to give myself a timeline with short-term goals.  I want to accomplish certain things by a certain time, and having this timeline is going to make it easier to make my goals a reality. 

Create goals that are...
1. Short, and that lead you to a long-term goal.  At my gym, Tampa Bay Athletics, we have created 3 Month goals.  This way, we have an end date in the horizon, and we are much more likely to actually hold ourselves accountable. 
2. REALISTIC! Don't say that you are going to run a marathon in 6 months if you've never run a distance race before! Start with a 5K goal, then work your way to a 10K goal, etc.
3. Personal and Specific- Be careful about choosing vague goals just because "everybody else is doing it." We all want to lose weight, eat healthier, save money.  Make your goals personal and specific.  Instead of "losing weight," make your goal, "losing 15 pounds in 3 months."  
4.  Measurable- You need to have a way to hold yourself accountable.  Create a food diary for a weight loss goal, keep track of expenses or create a budget for a finance goal, or find an accountablillabuddy that can help keep you on track.  My husband and I are both going to push each other to obtain our 3 Month Fitness and Health goals.  If he reaches for a cupcake, I will remind him of where he wants to be.
5.  VISABLE! Put your goals somewhere you can see them like your computer screen, or a mirror in your bathroom.  That way, you are reminded every single day of what you want to achieve.  It's a constant reminder to be tenacious, and not to give up, even when it gets hard.

The bottom line is simple.  We are a country full of people who want to better themselves, but we have a big problem with actually following through with the plans we create.  If you want to achieve ANYTHING whether it be long-term or short-term, you won't achieve it if you are not in the correct, positive mind frame.  You have to be positive, you have to push yourself, and you have to be gritty.  There are times that I think, "I will NEVER lose 3% body fat in 3 months!"  (Usually this is when I am faced with chicken wings or a piece of chocolate cake).  Guys.  If you have those thoughts, then you probably won't achieve your goals.  My hubby reminds me of this all the time.  

So, what are your goals this year?  How do you want to become a better version of yourself?  What plan are you going to put into action? I would LOVE to hear your goals!  I am a firm believer that if you truly put your mind to it, have a positive attitude, and work hard, you really can achieve ANY GOAL.  Period. 

In closing, I want to share one of the most motivational and uplifting videos ever created.  At least in my opinion.  I am lucky enough to witness people achieve goals and resolutions they never thought imaginable, every day that I walk through the door at Tampa Bay Athletics.  My cousin, Jimmy Myers, started training people in parks, and on the city streets of San Fran when he had down time from his corporate American job.  He knew that he wanted to help people change their lives, and become strong and healthy.  His goal was owning and working at a gym where he could do just that, every single day.  It was a long road full of short term goals, and that road is still winding as he looks at the future.  He sets new goals for his business every day.  This video is a testament that goals are achievable, you can make changes in your life, and that this year, you might actually accomplish some of those New Year's Resolutions...

Well....get to it! After watching the video of course... ;) 

What is Tampa Bay Athletics?- Video

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