Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Happiness is the Truth"

It's no secret that I have been completely overwhelmed and stressed out lately.  Sometimes, I feel like I'm standing in a crowded room screaming at the top of my lungs, and nobody can hear me.  It seems that all I do is complain, rant, worry, and stress.

Today, I felt extreme frustration for a few different reasons, and I came home from work feeling defeated.  I sat down after coming home from the gym, and a thought immediately came to me.  It is so easy for me to focus on the negative.  The negative seeps into my everyday routine like an infectious disease, and it's even contagious.  It's bad enough that I'm letting the negative get the best of me, but I certainly don't want to pass it on to other people.  It's so easy to get caught up in the every day funk of life, that the positive is literally passing right by. 

So I have a lot of additional work to do tonight, so I busted my shin last night and couldn't do the full workout today, so my students weren't well behaved or on task today, so I typed out this entire blog post, and my computer deleted it, so there aren't enough hours in the day, so I have several yearbook spreads to proof.

The only word I see here is "SO." So. So. So. So.

You know what guys...So what?! There are things in life that we simply can't control, no matter how hard we try.  The only way you can ever get through the negative is by focusing on the positive.  I need to take a step back and realize that my life isn't even a FRACTION of horrible compared to what some people in this world have to deal with.  I believe that as a teacher, I have one of the most stress-inducing jobs out there.  I know several teacher friends who are struggling with the negative/positive balance just like I am.  Today, it clicked it my brain. 

Just. Be. Happy.

Happiness is something that our society overlooks, and often takes for granted.  We need to re-direct our focus.  We need to start living in the happy.  We need to use the happy, positive moments in our lives to help us deal with the bad, negative moments.  Throughout the years, I've learned that life is too short.  We don't have enough time left on this planet to let ourselves get caught up in what makes us sad, mad, stressed out, or frustrated. 

My challenge to myself is to be happy.  Smiling and laughing are good for your soul, and I can definitely use a little bit of that right about now. 

Here are 10 Things You Can Do Today to Bring Some Happiness Into Your Life...
1. Forget about calories and sugar, and just eat the cookie.  You know you want to.  Give in to the delicious, sweet temptation, and allow yourself this one indulgence today. 
2.  Sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs.  It doesn't matter if the person in the car is staring at you.  Unleash your inner Whitney or Bon Jovi, and just BELT IT!
3.  Spend ten minutes doing something just for yourself.  Forget about everyone else, and focus on something that truly makes you happy like painting your toenails, playing Candy Crush, or blogging (wink, wink).
4.  Give someone a compliment...and mean it.
5.  Spend thirty minutes watching your favorite guilty pleasure TV show or movie, or reading a few chapters in your favorite book.  Let your mind go blank, and just enjoy doing nothing.  Bonus happiness points if you do this in your PJs!
6.  Experience something beautiful.  This could be a sunset on your way home, a baby giggling uncontrollably, an elderly couple holding hands on their evening walk, or an Olympian winning a Gold Medal.  Beauty is not appreciated enough, and can instantly remind you of what's amazing in this world.
7.  Make a difference.  Today, after my naughty fourth period 8th grade class, I ran into one of my 6th grade girls in the hallway.  She ran up to me, gave me an enormous hug, and said, "We miss you so much, Mrs. Ebert.  I hope you're having a great day." Heart...melted.  Sometimes we don't realize the impact we have on other people's lives, no matter how small or large.  The knowledge that you created that impact is instant gratification.
8.  Doodle.  I don't know anyone that isn't instantly happy while creating fun doodles.  Your imagination is an awesome thing. Have fun with it!
9.  Spend time with someone you love.  Love is instantly connected to happiness, and sometimes, just a few minutes with that person is all you need to remind yourself that it's going to be alright.  
10.  Have a wild, hair-whipping, arms flailing, epic DANCE PARTY.  Dance like nobody is watching, and let every emotion, negative feeling, and stressor leave your body.  It's my personal opinion that spontaneous dance parties are the absolute best mood lifter known to man.  Bonus happiness points if you dance to this song... I DARE YOU to try not to bust a move to this one...

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