Happy November! It's been a few weeks since my last post, and I wanted to update you all on how my 90 Day Body Composition Challenge is going! We are about at the halfway point...and I am feeling AMAZING!
Here are my 10 "Ah-ha" moments thus far...
1. I LOVE FOOD! This challenge has reminded me how much I love the taste of good, clean food, but also how much I love what that good, clean food does to my body. Let's face it, fueling our bodies is the main reason we eat. I never realized how much damage I was doing by eating crap, even as delicious as that crap tasted. My skin is clearer, I have more energy, excuse my TMI moment-eating clean regulates your "system," and gets rid of toxins. I'm even going to try a 3-5 day juice cleanse in a week or so...more information on juicing coming soon.
2. CHEATING ISN'T ALL IT'S CRACKED UP TO BE. When I first started the challenge, the urge to cheat was super strong! I still craved chocolate, greasy food, and chips. Even though I was enjoying the clean food I was making, I found myself looking forward to my cheat day. Now that I am almost halfway through, I have realized that urge to cheat is decreasing more and more. Don't get me wrong, on Saturdays when watching my Gators play, I still might eat a chicken wing or 5 or 10, but then I have to deal with an upset stomach and sluggish feeling, and I instantly regret my decision. I still allow myself to indulge once a week if needed, but it doesn't make me feel great, so my cheat "days" are dwindling to cheat "meals."
3. I AM SEEING RESULTS AT THE GYM! The past few weeks, I have felt stronger, more conditioned, and have had WAY more energy during my workouts. I don't get fatigued as quickly. For example, I pushed back my weight maxes for many of my lifts because my form was starting to break down. That really hurt my ego at first, but now, I am so happy with my decision. I am seeing a HUGE improvement with my form, and I feel much more confident when attempting a big squat day, or when doing heavy deadlifts or cleans.
4. I FINALLY FEEL LIKE A RUNNER! WAHOO! I ran a 5K on Oct. 26 with my Tampa Bay Athletics family, and I KILLED IT! This might not seem like a big feat for you 15K or half marathon runners, but I can't describe how proud I was of myself! One year ago, I ran the same race, and I received a time of 33:20. My goal was to run under 35 minutes, and I met that goal. I also set a new PR. Well...during the past 4 months or so, my 5K times haven't been super great. For the race this year, I told myself I wanted to beat my PR of 29:37 (when I was taking deer antler), and I wanted to run it in under 29:00. My official race time was 28: 36!!! I not only came under 29 minutes, but I also shaved a whole minute off my PR. I 100% believe that this challenge has helped me accomplish this huge goal!! I HATE running, and I have never considered myself a runner, but for the first time, I am actually enjoying running, and I have goals to keep improving! Who knows, I may even try a 10 or 15K...but let's not get ahead of ourselves!
5. WATER, WATER, WATER! The easiest part of this challenge for me so far has been my water intake. I have pretty consistently kept my intake to 80-90oz a day. On the weekends, I don't drink as much since I'm not talking all day like I do while teaching, but I still drink a decent amount. Drinking a ton of water is SO SO SO important!!
6. FOUR PANTS SIZES! FOUR PANTS SIZES! Last week, I wore a pair of Anne Taylor pants to work. THIS WAS A HUGE DEAL FOR ME, because one year ago I was wearing pants FOUR sizes bigger!! I even danced around the bathroom, and did a little cheer. I haven't been able to wear them for at least 3 years, AND today I put on a BCBG skirt that I bought my second year teaching. Last time I wore it, I had to un-do the clasp, zip it down a bit, and then pin it to get it to fit me because I couldn't close the clasp. It was even a little loose today- and fully zipped! These were probably my happiest moments during the first half of the challenge. Most days, I get frustrated because I'm not seeing results (or so I think). So, when I was able to put the skirt and pants on, and button them comfortably, it gave me the proof I needed. It's working. I never care what the scale says, but what I do care about is how my clothes fit, and how I feel. I weighed myself today, and I literally weigh exactly the same as I did before the challenge, but I am down 4 sizes!
7. PROTEIN...INTIMIDATING and IMPORTANT. One of the hardest parts of the challenge for me so far has been including enough protein in my diet. My goals were to lost body fat and to gain muscle, so I should have about 100-120 grams of protein a day. This is a HUGE increase from what I was used to. I'm really trying to vary my sources of protein, and for the second half of the challenge, I am going to introduce protein shakes using the protein from the fabulous Ten Institute! I still feel like I'm not having enough protein every day, so I think the protein shakes after working out will help supplement the small amount I'm lacking.
8. GETTING IN A RUT. Another challenge for us has been trying to avoid getting in a food "rut." When the challenge started, we had our staple items that we ate every day. We spent a lot of time trying recipes, and finding ways to eat clean and organically without breaking the bank. After a while, we started to get bored of eating the same things. I was tired of having my mid-day snack EVERY DAY be celery with natural peanut butter. Or, I was tired of green beans and chicken AGAIN for lunch. I've realized that it takes a bit of time to try different foods and recipes, and to plan out your menus for the week. We are trying to vary our protein sources, our snacks, our breakfasts, and our dinners. I got so sick of eating hard boiled eggs and bananas every morning, so I tried a fabulous egg muffin recipe that someone on the Challenge Facebook page posted. I loved it!!
9. WE ALL NEED A CHEERLEADER! When trying to complete a challenge like this one, it's so vital that you have an accountabillabuddy to complete it with you, or to cheer your on, and keep you motivated and on track. I am lucky enough to be going through this journey with my fabulous husband, Brett. On days that one of us wants to break, the other one gives a reminder of why we are doing this in the first place. On days where we are getting bored with our meals, one of us finds something new and yummy to make for dinner. And most importantly, we encourage one another, and we let each other know that the results can be seen! I have noticed a HUGE difference in Brett, and I make sure to let him know, especially when I see that he is getting frustrated. This is NOT something that you can, or should do alone!!
10. WE ALL SLIP SOMETIMES. I admit...there has been a week or two where I fell off the wagon. Whether it be that work was so insane that I couldn't bare to put on gym clothes and get myself to TBA, or that my monthly hormones were raging and I just HAD to have those french fries or giant brownie or I would just DIE. Either way, I cheated. It's okay. It happens. It doesn't mean that I am going to lose ALL the progress I've made, or that the brownie was going to push me up two pants sizes. Although, at the time, I felt so guilty, that I was SURE I was going to gain 15 pounds. The important part is that when trying to complete a challenge like this, you have to realize that you are human, you might fall off the horse, but you can get right back up again. I have not lost determination, I have not lost the drive and will, and I have made a PERMANENT decision to live an active, clean, healthy, and strong lifestyle for the rest of my life...even if there are a few bumps in the road along the way.
Needless to say, it's been a long journey, and we are only halfway done. It's been hard, and I've learned SO many new things so far, but the one thing I know is that I am NOT giving up. I love how I feel inside and out, and I refuse to give that up. This isn't a diet I'm on, it's not some "new" thing. It's a lifestyle change, and I am committed.
I don't like to think of it as, "I still have so far to go." I like to think of it as, "I am halfway to the fabulous new me!" And I mean this in every sense...both mentally and physically.
I will post another update on the challenge soon...in the meantime....keep on keeping on :)
Monday, November 4, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Do you have Grit?
I am a huge nerd as we've already established, and one of my obsessions this year is TED Talks. I can't stop watching them. They inspire me. They make me want to change and rule the world. Obviously, since I'm a teacher, the education talks are my favorite. But, I strongly feel like this one sends an essential message to the masses. It can apply to kids in school or to anybody trying to accomplish anything in life.
We. Need. More. GRIT.
Think about your job, or your hobby, or your favorite sport to play. How do you approach things that you set your mind to? The words grit and perseverance go hand in hand. In life, it's not about how intelligent you are, or what you have or don't have, it's about having the will, the stamina, the yearning to push forward no matter what. Not for a day, or a month, or a year, but forever.
This TED Talk is by Angela Duckworth, a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. She was a classroom teacher for many years, and she left after realizing that there was a key component missing in how we view education in America. She became a psychologist, and began to study different schools, jobs, and corporations. She did endless research and finally came to the conclusion that what was missing is...grit.
One of my favorite parts of this talk is when she mentions that as a nation, we have an issue with accepting failure. She mentions that we need to get our kids to understand that failure is not permanent. We have to be willing to fail, then try again. It's a vital part of life.
I am dealing with an extremely difficult student right now. I have kept myself up at night thinking about what I can do differently to help her succeed. She is has a very low IQ, and she has several behavior issues. Can she change? Can she be successful? Will she slip through the cracks? Angela mentions the "Growth Mindset," which comes from Stanford University. This is the concept that the ability to learn is NOT fixed, and that it can change with effort. This concept really has sunk in deep for me, and I am working through my brain how I can apply it with my own students, and even with my own life. This student in my class...is she a hopeless case? I believe it's much more than what I am teaching her, how I am teaching her, the environment she's in, the interventions I've tried, and what her home life is like. Those things are important, but they aren't going to make a difference in changing her direction in life. SHE has to have the tenacity, the perseverance, and the drive to want to change. To me, ability level or IQ don't matter when it comes to this child. If she has the inner motivation to WANT to do succeed, long term, then she will. She could have all the tools in place, but the one tool she truly needs, grit, is one that she needs to find within herself.
This is the hard part, how do we instill grit in our children? Is it possible for a middle school aged child, or a teenager, or even an adult to find and establish grit? Is it ever too late? Is it something that can even be taught?
Think about what internally drives you. How do you approach the responsibilities and obligations in your life?
Do you have grit?
Friday, September 27, 2013
Swallow Your Pride, Raise the Bar, and Embrace the Good!
This week at Tampa Bay Athletics was Max Week. We take everything we've been working on the past few months, and we try to find our "maxes" for various lifts and skills. Usually, when I approach max week, I'm all fired up and pumped. This time, it felt different. I am a HUGE perfectionist, and I strive to do my best in everything I attempt, and I often strive to exceed my own expectations. I am very hard on myself when I try to attempt something, and I then fail. In fact, I would even take this a step further and say that one of my biggest fears is failure. After working out at TBA for over a year now, I feel like I've finally hit my plateau. I was trying for heavy maxes and I wasn't getting them. I would get angry, down on myself, and put up a mental block no matter how hard I tried. I found that my form was starting to break down the heavier I lifted, and finally, I was given a very valuable (and very frustrating) piece of advice by my coaches...
Suck up your pride and go down in weight.
It was time. Hitting a heavy weight DOES NOT MATTER or COUNT in my mind if my form is poor. It was very hard for me to admit that I need to take a step back, and it was very hard for me to swallow my pride, and lower my weight. I felt inadequate at first, and I felt that I was comparing myself to other women in the gym. I have since realized that there is nothing wrong with backing off my weight so that I can concentrate on finding my form again, and making sure that I am lifting correctly. Lifting heavy, but incorrectly, is how you get injured. It has taken me a few days to get in the right mindset, but now it's clear to me, and I am confident, that I will be right back up to where I was (AND HIGHER) in no time. "Swallowing my pride" is not something that's easy for me to do, but in the end, I have to trust my coaches, and I have to have confidence in myself that I can do it. I had to think of where I started, and where I am now. A year ago, I could barely back squat the bar, so backing down to 135 is STILL a huge gain, and I should be proud of myself!
Sometimes, you have to suck it up, swallow your pride, and move on! It's not giving up...it's growing up.
I WILL get back to beast mode.
"My students can't do that."
This is something that I have been guilty of saying in the past while creating lessons, and this is something that I have also heard fellow teachers say. There really isn't anything WRONG with this statement except for the fact that it contains the word "can't." The statement is usually said before a lesson or activity is taught, and the problem lies in the fact that the statement doesn't give the students a CHANCE to "do that." If we tried a lesson, and then said "My students COULD'T do that," it would be different. I feel that as a nation, we are not holding our children to high enough standards. We are assuming that their ability levels or test scores demonstrate that they "can't do it." We begin referring to students as an FCAT statistic or number by saying, "Johnny is a 2, he can't possibly make an inference like that." We SHOULD be saying, "Johnny is a 2, so what accommodations can I make to help him get that inference because I know he can." I find that I have to remind myself of the latter. I try to hold the bar HIGH in my classroom, and trust that we will find a way for all students to meet that bar. If we keep high expectations, students will meet them. It might take them a while, or they might take a different road, but they will meet them.
I created a lesson this week where my advanced students had to analyze how Edgar Allan Poe's life and writing have contributed to his nickname, "The Master of the Macabre." They looked at two texts on Poe as well as a mini-biography video. Today, they completed a portion of the lesson where they had to generate their own questions about their reading. I told them I wanted TRUE questions that we could use to facilitate a socratic discussion in class. I was EXTREMELY NERVOUS as they began because many of them were having difficulty. They found themselves coming up with "test questions" rather than their own questions based on what they wanted to know more about or what they were confused about. I was nervous for nothing! They more than exceeded my expectations, and they came up with questions like this...
Raise that bar. Hold these kids accountable. Make them work for it. Stop making excuses. This doesn't have to apply to academics only. This can apply to all aspects of life. I feel like our country can get stuck in the rut of doing "just enough to get by." Being average. I don't want my kids to be average. I want them to be spectacular, and I want them to take on everything they do with gusto, and with TENACITY. This whole idea of higher expectations also related to my gym situation this week. I WANT my maxes to go up, and I WANT to hold that bar high (literally and figuratively). That's why it was necessary to suck it up and swallow my pride. It might take me a while, just like it took my kids a while with the lesson today...but I will get there.
Positive thoughts equal positive actions which equal positive results.
It can be very easy to get caught up in the negative. We all have things in our lives that cause us stress, or that make us distressed and unsettled. And some times it can be worse than others. It's ridiculously easy to let these things take over every aspect of your day, and consume your thoughts like a plague. The thing is, if you let the negative rule your existence, it not only affects you, but it affects those around you. My husband can tell when I'm in "negative mode" (he has a name for my alter-ego, negative self, Ruth), my students can tell, and my co-workers and family can tell.
It is absolutely vital to focus on and embrace the good in your life! Things happen, life can suck at times, but in order for you to get through the negative you have to concentrate on the positive. Lately, I've found myself thinking about some of the not-so-great things happening in my life, and that negativity filters down into everything. I whine more, I get frustrated easier, I take things out on the ones I love, and I'm tired and get headaches. NO BUENO. I have to force myself to look at the silver lining. Little things can bring me back into the world of the optimistic and the promising. It could be a kind word from someone, a killer workout with good friends, a yummy new recipe to try, spending time with family, watching my Gators play, or something like this...
I recently read some novels that I FELL IN LOVE WITH and recommended to my students. I posted them on my iREAD bulletin board and offered extra credit for reading them and writing a review. Today, I discovered two of my students were reading the books during homeroom. We proceeded to have the most phenomenal conversation about how much we were obsessed with them, and got so excited about possible sequels and the characters. It literally made my day to share something I love so much with my students, and to see their excitement in reading. They thought it was pretty cool that their teacher was reading the same books they were, and that we can have a fun chat about them during down time.
Little moments like this can make all the difference in the world when it comes to bringing you back to reality and being thankful for what you have, and reminding you to STAY POSITIVE.
This week was a long one, and a reflective one. I really needed to take some time on the blog today to work through some of my thoughts, and to be able to share them with others. I feel like these are life lessons that we can all use a reminder of once and a while.
I challenge you to think about how these three pieces of advice can fit into your own life.
BE AWESOME TODAY. BE AWESOME EVERYDAY. Otherwise...what's the point? :)
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Let the 90 Day Body Composition Challenge BEGIN!
I am officially on Day 3 of my 90 Day Body Composition Challenge. My gym, Tampa Bay Athletics, started this challenge to help its members become leaner, meaner, and stronger!
The cool thing about this challenge is that the emphasis is NOT on your weight. The number on the scale doesn't matter as much as your body fat percentage, and inches lost. This is hands down one of the hardest things for me to process because I've paid attention to that number on the scale my whole life. I've really been trying this past year to focus on how my clothes fit, and how I feel overall, rather than how much I weigh.
Basically, we are eating clean and working out for 90 days. We can have one cheat meal a week, but I may make mine a cheat day depending on the week ;) Pretty simple! This is not a diet, this is not a fad, and this isn't something we start then go back to our old ways after 90 days. This is designed to literally make a lifestyle change. EAT CLEAN...TRAIN DIRTY!
Here are my observations so far...
1. It takes A LOT of food prep to eat clean, and this is one of the things I am struggling with. I am a busy girl, and it's hard to find the time in my day. I have realized that prepping food at the beginning of the week is ESSENTIAL! It saves time, and it prevents you from being tempted by quick, processed food. If it's already made, you are much less likely to grab something quick and unhealthy because you are too tired to cook. Boil a dozen eggs on Sunday night, and then you have breakfast ready to grab from the fridge every morning that week! I actually am starting to enjoy my food prep! The hubby and I get to spend some quality time together, and we love to cook! FAILING TO PLAN IS PLANNING TO FAIL!
2. It's not as cost heavy as I thought. One of the biggest misconceptions of eating clean is that it's horribly expensive. It's not that bad if you take the time to go to the right places, and look for the right foods and best deals. Go to your local farmer's markets and produce stands for fresh, organic fruits and veggies! All major supermarkets sell organic, grass-fed meats and eggs, and there is almost always something on sale! One trick I use to help cut cost is to make dinners for 4 even though it's just my husband and me. Then, I eat the leftovers for lunch the next day!
3. PROTEIN! PROTEIN! PROTEIN! I realized that I wasn't getting anywhere near as much protein as I should every day. I try to stay away from sugar in the morning, protein all day, lots of green veggies, and carbs post-workout. I usually eat 4-5 smaller meals or snacks a day. I eat lunch super early at work, so I try to pack a snack like a couple pieces of turkey and almonds, or celery and natural peanut butter, for later in the day. I do heavy workouts 4-5 days a week, so my body NEEDS protein to fuel itself, and help burn that fat!!
4. I upped my water intake from my usual 48oz. a day to 80-96oz. a day. I can already feel a difference from drinking more water. I can't stress enough how important it is to hydrate! The only downside is that I have to pee every 30 minutes. LOL! I know my teacher friends will relate to how difficult this problem is when you have 120 kids to supervise all day. :)
5. I have A LOT more energy, and it's only been 3 days! I feel that I am not as tired, and I can push myself harder during my workouts.
6. Eating clean DOES NOT mean that you have to sacrifice taste!! I spend time looking online, and talking to my friends to find scrumptious recipes that I can try out. I take my favorite comfort foods and find healthy alternatives. Coming from a "sauce girl," veggies and meat really can be yummy without loading them up with fatty sauces! Sauces were hard for me to give up, but I have realized that I can mix a little greek yogurt with a little hot sauce or spices if I HAVE to put sauce on something :)
7. Support from friends is HUGE! There is a giant group of us at the gym doing this challenge, and it makes it so much easier when you have other people to talk to, get recipes from, share progress, and ENCOURAGE! We have a Facebook page (you can search "90 Day Body Composition Challenge") where we share our journey with each other, and that's one of the best perks of this whole process. Find an accountabillabuddy, and help each other get lean and strong!
Needless to say, it's only week one, and I have a looooooong road ahead of me. I'm sure that I will give in to a delicious Oreo here and there, or a glass of red wine after work, and that's OKAY! Bottom line is...I know I have the mental focus needed to keep going.
I will continue to post updates on my progress, awesome recipes I try, advice and stories from my friends who are also completing this challenge. One of our goals is to inspire others to head down the road of clean eating and exercise.
I have had a great first week, but booooooyyyy am I looking forward to that cheat day this weekend! HAHA! I think it will be chicken wings... or maybe a juicy burger with fries...or maybe... ;)
The cool thing about this challenge is that the emphasis is NOT on your weight. The number on the scale doesn't matter as much as your body fat percentage, and inches lost. This is hands down one of the hardest things for me to process because I've paid attention to that number on the scale my whole life. I've really been trying this past year to focus on how my clothes fit, and how I feel overall, rather than how much I weigh.
Basically, we are eating clean and working out for 90 days. We can have one cheat meal a week, but I may make mine a cheat day depending on the week ;) Pretty simple! This is not a diet, this is not a fad, and this isn't something we start then go back to our old ways after 90 days. This is designed to literally make a lifestyle change. EAT CLEAN...TRAIN DIRTY!
Here are my observations so far...
1. It takes A LOT of food prep to eat clean, and this is one of the things I am struggling with. I am a busy girl, and it's hard to find the time in my day. I have realized that prepping food at the beginning of the week is ESSENTIAL! It saves time, and it prevents you from being tempted by quick, processed food. If it's already made, you are much less likely to grab something quick and unhealthy because you are too tired to cook. Boil a dozen eggs on Sunday night, and then you have breakfast ready to grab from the fridge every morning that week! I actually am starting to enjoy my food prep! The hubby and I get to spend some quality time together, and we love to cook! FAILING TO PLAN IS PLANNING TO FAIL!
Here are some sauteed veggies and chicken all ready to go for lunch for a few days :)
2. It's not as cost heavy as I thought. One of the biggest misconceptions of eating clean is that it's horribly expensive. It's not that bad if you take the time to go to the right places, and look for the right foods and best deals. Go to your local farmer's markets and produce stands for fresh, organic fruits and veggies! All major supermarkets sell organic, grass-fed meats and eggs, and there is almost always something on sale! One trick I use to help cut cost is to make dinners for 4 even though it's just my husband and me. Then, I eat the leftovers for lunch the next day!
3. PROTEIN! PROTEIN! PROTEIN! I realized that I wasn't getting anywhere near as much protein as I should every day. I try to stay away from sugar in the morning, protein all day, lots of green veggies, and carbs post-workout. I usually eat 4-5 smaller meals or snacks a day. I eat lunch super early at work, so I try to pack a snack like a couple pieces of turkey and almonds, or celery and natural peanut butter, for later in the day. I do heavy workouts 4-5 days a week, so my body NEEDS protein to fuel itself, and help burn that fat!!
We slow cooked London Broil with some pepperoncinis for spice, made our own "ranch packet" for flavor, and paired it with steamed smashed cauliflower with sea salt and pepper! YUM-O
4. I upped my water intake from my usual 48oz. a day to 80-96oz. a day. I can already feel a difference from drinking more water. I can't stress enough how important it is to hydrate! The only downside is that I have to pee every 30 minutes. LOL! I know my teacher friends will relate to how difficult this problem is when you have 120 kids to supervise all day. :)
5. I have A LOT more energy, and it's only been 3 days! I feel that I am not as tired, and I can push myself harder during my workouts.
6. Eating clean DOES NOT mean that you have to sacrifice taste!! I spend time looking online, and talking to my friends to find scrumptious recipes that I can try out. I take my favorite comfort foods and find healthy alternatives. Coming from a "sauce girl," veggies and meat really can be yummy without loading them up with fatty sauces! Sauces were hard for me to give up, but I have realized that I can mix a little greek yogurt with a little hot sauce or spices if I HAVE to put sauce on something :)
7. Support from friends is HUGE! There is a giant group of us at the gym doing this challenge, and it makes it so much easier when you have other people to talk to, get recipes from, share progress, and ENCOURAGE! We have a Facebook page (you can search "90 Day Body Composition Challenge") where we share our journey with each other, and that's one of the best perks of this whole process. Find an accountabillabuddy, and help each other get lean and strong!
Needless to say, it's only week one, and I have a looooooong road ahead of me. I'm sure that I will give in to a delicious Oreo here and there, or a glass of red wine after work, and that's OKAY! Bottom line is...I know I have the mental focus needed to keep going.
I will continue to post updates on my progress, awesome recipes I try, advice and stories from my friends who are also completing this challenge. One of our goals is to inspire others to head down the road of clean eating and exercise.
I have had a great first week, but booooooyyyy am I looking forward to that cheat day this weekend! HAHA! I think it will be chicken wings... or maybe a juicy burger with fries...or maybe... ;)
Thursday, September 12, 2013
These are a few of my favorite things...
I wanted to take a minute to share some of my favorite things about my classroom! Over the years, I have spent countless dollars and precious time on decorating, and arranging my room. I honestly feel that having a colorful, welcoming space for your students to learn is an essential part of the education process. Here are just a few of my favorite things...
My iRead Bulletin Board
I am a GIANT book nerd, and I love to read what my kids read. Every month, I read four books that I recommend to my students. I put up a description and photo of the cover to entice my kiddos to read them. If they read the books, then write a review, I give them extra credit :) This had sparked some pretty awesome book conversations with some of my kids. They love to know their teachers like the same books as them!
Orange and Blue!
One of the best things a middle school teacher can do for their students is show their pride in their college! Especially since I teach at a Title I school, many of my students don't have the drive or motivation to think about college in their future. Many of them would be the first graduate in their families. I love bragging about my Gators in general, but I'm not afraid to show my pride and encourage my students to have college has a long term goal...except if it's Florida State ;)
Organize your Butt Off!
I am ÜBER particular about keeping things organized in my classroom! Although, my husband and mother would beg to differ when it comes to my home organization skills. I have a bookshelf that is the "kid station" and everything has its place. They are taught procedures for using everything, and this way I'm not bombarded with questions like "Can I have a tissue?" It also saves my own markers and glue and scissors from going missing.
My Reading Nook
I love, love, love my reading nook! Again...being a book nerd, I wanted a space where my students could just hang out, relax, and read a book! (When their work is finished of course!) I got a cheap rug from Wal-Mart, and made the no-sew pillows myself from fabric and stuffing!
Absent Policy
One of the biggest reasons why students have low grades is because they don't do missing work when they are absent. This is a system I started this year. The students check the binder for what they missed, then they check the crate for any handouts or homework assignments. So far so good, but I'll update on how well I actually maintain the system later in the year.
Can we say Common Core?
It took me FOREVER to come up with an efficient, organized way to show my Unit Learning Map on the board!! It includes the Unit Goal, the lesson goals connected to the text we're reading, and the leaning scale for each lesson. I only include the target goal level (3) on the board, but the student map in their notebooks has the whole scale (4-1). I refer to it multiple times a class period!
I am always looking for fun, new ideas to share about classroom organization and decoration, so I plan on featuring a different classroom from my school each month! Enjoy!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Read. This. Book.
There is no doubt that I am a reader. I can't function if I'm not reading a book for at least a few minutes every day. Every now and then I read a book that literally affects me in a physical sense, and makes me want to change the world.
Wonder by R.J. Palacio is one of those books.
I started this book last night because it's one of my kid's SSYR books this year, and I like to read what they read. I had NO idea that I would be affected this much. I laughed out loud several times, and I cried from both sadness but mostly happiness. And inspiration. This book smacked me in the face like a neon sign that says, DO SOMETHING!
It's about a little pistol of a human being, August "Auggie" Pullman. He's in fifth grade, and he has facial deformities. I literally want to be this kid when I grow up. This book is all about his journey through the fifth grade, and it doesn't matter if you are ten, sixteen, twenty-five, or seventy-five. This books teaches awareness, humility, love of the greatest kind, friendship, diversity, and strength.
I NEED to do something with this book. I plan on incorporating it into my own classroom and I plan on speaking to my principal because I have some big ideas for my school too. I will update the blog as I try to make these ideas happen.
It gives new meaning to the word "ordinary" and the author did something so brilliant with her writing that I didn't even know she was doing until halfway through the book. She taught a very valuable lesson about tolerance without ever having to say it out loud. It was so subtle I almost missed it. If you read it, you'll know what I mean.
This needs to be read by everyone. Period. Go right now and borrow from your library, download it on your e-reader this second, or drive to the store ASAP and grab a copy.
But make sure to clear your schedule! You will not be able to put it down. Don't say I didn't warn you :)
Happy reading!
Friday, September 6, 2013
Milk Duds
I recently came across something I wrote creatively during my third year of teaching. It describes one of the most hilarious days of my teaching career thus far. One of the greatest lessons I have learned throughout the years is that you have to expect the unexpected when you are a teacher. You honestly never know what each day will bring you, and you have to just roll with the punches. You will cry, you will get angry, you will smile ear to ear from pride and happiness, and you will LAUGH! This story is one of those laughable moments...
In a middle school teacher’s life, any day can turn from humdrum to abnormal in a matter of seconds. This was one of those days. Now, before I get to the good part of this story, I have to go back a couple of months to the first sighting of… The Milk Duds.
In a middle school teacher’s life, any day can turn from humdrum to abnormal in a matter of seconds. This was one of those days. Now, before I get to the good part of this story, I have to go back a couple of months to the first sighting of… The Milk Duds.
One glorious, sunny Florida afternoon, one of my colleagues, *Lydia, was teaching her fifth period geography class. It was a fairly normal day, and she was giving a fairly
normal test review. This happened
to be one of her classes where she had another teacher in the room with
her. As the other teacher was
going over the imports and exports of Nigeria, or something of that nature,
Lydia had a student come ask her to use the bathroom. We’ll call him *Todd.
She asked if he could hold it until the review was over, and Todd
replied, “yes.” This all seems
normal and routine, but the story gets interesting when he came back up to
Lydia five minutes later in a panic.
He needed to use the restroom, “RIGHT NOW.” After giving Todd permission, she watched as he sprinted out
the door with visibly clenched butt cheeks, and a seriously determined
face. Her gaze quickly drifted
downwards and locked in on little “milk duds” that were falling out of the
bottom of his shorts. (Now, I am
using the term “milk duds” to describe a bowel movement so that I don’t gross
anyone out any more than needed.) I would give
a month's pay to see the look on Lydia’s face at that moment. Luckily for her, none of the other kids
had noticed this series of events unfolding, and she wanted to keep it that
way. If even one student had seen
this happen, it would have been game over. Twelve year olds are nowhere near mature enough to deal with
poop situations. Lydia had five
seconds before she would have a “code blue” scenario on her hands. She grabbed about forty tissues, and
discreetly picked up the “milk duds” as calmly as if they were wads of
gum. The saddest or funniest part
of this story is that Todd had no clue that he had feces falling out of his
shorts. He used the restroom
(guess he wasn’t done), and then walked back in like nothing had happened. Problem solved… or so we thought…
Now, my team
and I spent at least two weeks laughing about this, and contemplating how this
child didn’t know that he was going to the bathroom, and even more that it was
falling onto the floor. We
contacted the parents, and took all necessary steps as we were concerned for his health. Eventually, we forgot about it...
fast-forward a few months to my own humdrum, about to turn abnormal, day. I was giving a lesson during last
period about using dialogue in stories, so it’s safe to say that half the class
was sleeping with their eyes open.
It was relatively silent in the room. I was in the middle of a sentence when I was interrupted by
the most memorable phrase ever uttered by a student in the history of my
teaching career:
My first thought at that moment was that the student that uttered those
words just had a horrible case of diarrhea of the mouth, and I was
contemplating what to write on his referral. Then, my attention turned to the student’s immediate left. It was Todd. I would guess that maybe ten seconds passed until I made the
connection between what happened in Lydia’s class, and my current
situation. It took an additional
ten seconds for me to realize that Todd had asked to use the bathroom about five
minutes before. I was center stage
with twenty-two pairs of sixth grade eyes boring into my forehead waiting for
me to react, so I did the only thing I knew how to do. I kept teaching. I acted like those words never came out
of that student’s mouth. This way,
if the kids saw me blowing it off, maybe they would too. There were fifteen minutes left in
class, and I spent those minutes trying to keep things as normal as
possible. I almost lost it in a
fit of laughter when Todd himself asked me to open the window because it
smelled in the classroom. I
managed to divert attention away from the “milk dud” for the remainder of the
period, even though it was all I, or the students, could think about. When the bell finally rang, and my
classroom had emptied of students, I walked over to Todd’s desk. Much to my surprise, there was no “milk
dud.” I looked all over the
floor. I knew that there was no
way that any middle school student in their right mind would pick up someone
else’s poop, but I looked in the trash cans anyways. It was in the recycling bin that I found it. There were about five little “milk duds”
squished together, forming a patty.
They were nestled in there, in a tissue, surrounded by various paper
products. Apparently, the student
that placed it there had realized that feces were biodegradable.
Of course I
ran straight to my team to tell them the story. I also told anyone else that would listen to it that
day. Each time, the reaction was
one of hysterical laughter, but ended with puzzled bewilderment. We contacted the parents again, and
they spoke to dear little Todd, they even took him to the doctor. To this day, none of us (including the
parents) can comprehend how this little boy could possibly be dropping “milk
duds” and not know it.
Nonetheless, sit on them for an extended period of time so that they
merge together. Does he wear
boxers three sizes too big, or worse, not wear underwear at all? This particular story has taught me two
very valuable lessons as an educator.
One of them was to let Todd immediately go to the restroom ANY time he
asked me from then on. The other one
is that there is no telling what each day will bring me, and that I have to try
my best to be the composed, professional, concerned teacher that I know how to
Even if that means not
laughing out loud when someone says the word turd.
*Names have been changed to protect the innocent :)
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Fit or Fat?
Even though my intention with this blog was to write about teaching, I am finding that I also want to share some of my other passions with the world. Don't get me wrong, there will be many blog posts about teaching, but I will try my best to spread the wealth of other useless information I store in my brain.
Fit or Fat?
Yes...you are right. This was the very book that the lovely Cher Horowitz chose to read as her one non-school book a week in one of my favorite movies of all time, Clueless.
It's also a question that I started asking myself about a year ago...
I have always been a very active person. I was a dancer for many years, and I have participated in my fair share of kickboxing, step aerobics, zumba, yoga, pilates, <insert every other type of group fitness class here>, classes throughout the years. You see, I have never been that person who could just go to the gym and do my own workout. I get bored. I also have always eaten FAIRLY healthy (or so I thought), and I was blessed to inherit the japanese-petite-I-will-never-get-fat-or-old-and-wrinkly gene from my mama and grandma.
The problem was that I was never truly happy with my body. It didn't matter how skinny people told me I was, what the weight on the scale said, or how many group fitness classes I attended each week...I just wasn't seeing the results I wanted.
About a year ago, I started really looking at that question, "Fit or Fat?" Was I even looking at the right question? Was it a matter of being fit or fat, or of being healthy and strong? Just because you appear to be "skinny" DOES NOT always mean you are healthy! I had a choice to make. I could either keep moaning and groaning about how I looked and felt, or I could actually do something about it. I made a lifestyle change. I decided that I wanted to be HEALTHY and STRONG. Not skinny. Not a certain weight. Not a mirror replica of a model or actress in a magazine. Not even necessarily the opposite of "fat."
Here are 5 things I have learned throughout my journey this past year making the lifestyle change of becoming HEALTHY and STRONG...
1) I was "working out" at the gym COMPLETELY WRONG! My dear cousin, Jimmy Myers, opened up a little business that has literally changed my life. He opened a gym called Tampa Bay Athletics that not only introduced me to amazing new friends, but to the concept that I could be STRONG. Never in a million years would I have thought that I could EVER deadlift 190 lbs. off the ground, or squat with 165 lbs. on my back, or push 80 lbs. over my head. I always thought weightlifting made girls bulky and "man-ish." BOYYYYYY was I wrong! Including Olympic Weightlifting into my daily workout routine has transformed my body. I have lean, strong muscles, and I definitely don't look bulky! I also started sprinting, using kettlebells, ropes, and exercises like box jumps, pull ups and push ups to make me faster, stronger, and more agile. It's a fact- building muscle burns more fat. I highly encourage you to introduce weightlifting into your workout routine (yes, girls...I mean YOU!). If you are looking for a place to begin...come visit us at Tampa Bay Athletics.
2) There is no need to diet...EVER. It makes me so angry when I see all these diets out there...South Beach, Atkins, etc. None of them work! Sure, maybe they work for a while, and you lose a bunch of weight, but are you honestly going to eat that way and stick with it forever? Probably not. It is literally so simple- EAT. CLEAN. I was obsessed with looking at the nutritional labels of everything I bought. How many calories, how much fat, how much sugar. I had to buy everything "fat free" "low fat." The problem is...I completely ignored what really mattered. The ingredients. If you have something labeled "fat free" in your fridge right now, take a look at the ingredients. Chances are you can't pronounce half of them, and there are a ridiculous amount of them listed. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure that my yogurt shouldn't have 15+ ingredients. It's yogurt! The more ingredients, the more processed your food is. I challenge you to go in your fridge and pantry right now and throw away anything processed. Eat only clean, wholesome, (preferably organic) foods! Stay along the perimeter of the grocery store. You don't need to eat 3 huge meals a day. Eat 5-6 smaller meals, but that are PACKED with protein, good carbs (yes there are good carbs) and tons of amazing fruits and veggies. It's not about eating less, or eating only a certain type of food, it's about eating BETTER.
3) Abs are made in the KITCHEN, and not the GYM! I kept wondering why I was doing a million crunches and sit ups but I still wasn't getting the ripped abs I was after. I mean, if I workout 5 days a week, that means I can eat whatever I want, right? WRONG! If you want all that glorious new lean muscle to show through, get rid of that layer of belly fat by eating clean AND incorporating weights and strength into your workout routine.
4) Drink water. Period. And lots of it! Drinking a ton of water is hands down one of the best things you can do for your body. It helps your body systems function better, it clears up your skin, and it makes you FEEL better overall. I know the second I haven't had enough water because I get a headache. It never fails. This is something super easy that you can change about your lifestyle to begin heading down that road of healthiness and happiness.
5) Stop making excuses! If you don't make it a lifestyle change, don't expect to see results. You can't just workout 2 days a week and KIND OF eat clean or "healthy." If you truly want to see your body composition change, you need to STICK WITH IT! Find a friend to be your workout buddy, or join a gym like TBA so you can workout with people who share your fitness and health goals. Find recipes that you are honestly excited about trying. Eating clean does not mean you have to eat plain fish and broccoli every night! I love to try and find yummy and clean alternatives to my favorite comfort foods. Like buffalo chicken quinoa bites instead of chicken wings :)
I know I'm no expert, and some of you may have stopped reading this a thousand words ago, but I do know that I've come a long way in a year, and I am ridiculously proud of myself. I'm not even afraid of sounding conceited saying that. Making this lifestyle change to be HEALTHY and STRONG was the best decision I have ever made. Hands down.
It won't be easy. You will want to give up. You will cry. You will cheat. But if you stick with it, if you persevere, there is no greater glory.
The question isn't whether you are Fit or Fat. The question is..."Do you want to be healthy and strong?"
After my wedding I fell off the wagon a bit, so I can't wait to start this challenge on 9/16 and get myself back on track! I will post periodically as I make my way through the challenge. If I can inspire even one person through this blog, the way that my friends at Tampa Bay Athletics have inspired me, then every word I just typed was worth it.
You have the ability. You can do it. You have the power to make these life changes towards becoming a healthy and strong person! Now...the ball is in your court :)
Fit or Fat?
Yes...you are right. This was the very book that the lovely Cher Horowitz chose to read as her one non-school book a week in one of my favorite movies of all time, Clueless.
It's also a question that I started asking myself about a year ago...
I have always been a very active person. I was a dancer for many years, and I have participated in my fair share of kickboxing, step aerobics, zumba, yoga, pilates, <insert every other type of group fitness class here>, classes throughout the years. You see, I have never been that person who could just go to the gym and do my own workout. I get bored. I also have always eaten FAIRLY healthy (or so I thought), and I was blessed to inherit the japanese-petite-I-will-never-get-fat-or-old-and-wrinkly gene from my mama and grandma.
The problem was that I was never truly happy with my body. It didn't matter how skinny people told me I was, what the weight on the scale said, or how many group fitness classes I attended each week...I just wasn't seeing the results I wanted.
About a year ago, I started really looking at that question, "Fit or Fat?" Was I even looking at the right question? Was it a matter of being fit or fat, or of being healthy and strong? Just because you appear to be "skinny" DOES NOT always mean you are healthy! I had a choice to make. I could either keep moaning and groaning about how I looked and felt, or I could actually do something about it. I made a lifestyle change. I decided that I wanted to be HEALTHY and STRONG. Not skinny. Not a certain weight. Not a mirror replica of a model or actress in a magazine. Not even necessarily the opposite of "fat."
Here are 5 things I have learned throughout my journey this past year making the lifestyle change of becoming HEALTHY and STRONG...
1) I was "working out" at the gym COMPLETELY WRONG! My dear cousin, Jimmy Myers, opened up a little business that has literally changed my life. He opened a gym called Tampa Bay Athletics that not only introduced me to amazing new friends, but to the concept that I could be STRONG. Never in a million years would I have thought that I could EVER deadlift 190 lbs. off the ground, or squat with 165 lbs. on my back, or push 80 lbs. over my head. I always thought weightlifting made girls bulky and "man-ish." BOYYYYYY was I wrong! Including Olympic Weightlifting into my daily workout routine has transformed my body. I have lean, strong muscles, and I definitely don't look bulky! I also started sprinting, using kettlebells, ropes, and exercises like box jumps, pull ups and push ups to make me faster, stronger, and more agile. It's a fact- building muscle burns more fat. I highly encourage you to introduce weightlifting into your workout routine (yes, girls...I mean YOU!). If you are looking for a place to begin...come visit us at Tampa Bay Athletics.
2) There is no need to diet...EVER. It makes me so angry when I see all these diets out there...South Beach, Atkins, etc. None of them work! Sure, maybe they work for a while, and you lose a bunch of weight, but are you honestly going to eat that way and stick with it forever? Probably not. It is literally so simple- EAT. CLEAN. I was obsessed with looking at the nutritional labels of everything I bought. How many calories, how much fat, how much sugar. I had to buy everything "fat free" "low fat." The problem is...I completely ignored what really mattered. The ingredients. If you have something labeled "fat free" in your fridge right now, take a look at the ingredients. Chances are you can't pronounce half of them, and there are a ridiculous amount of them listed. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure that my yogurt shouldn't have 15+ ingredients. It's yogurt! The more ingredients, the more processed your food is. I challenge you to go in your fridge and pantry right now and throw away anything processed. Eat only clean, wholesome, (preferably organic) foods! Stay along the perimeter of the grocery store. You don't need to eat 3 huge meals a day. Eat 5-6 smaller meals, but that are PACKED with protein, good carbs (yes there are good carbs) and tons of amazing fruits and veggies. It's not about eating less, or eating only a certain type of food, it's about eating BETTER.
3) Abs are made in the KITCHEN, and not the GYM! I kept wondering why I was doing a million crunches and sit ups but I still wasn't getting the ripped abs I was after. I mean, if I workout 5 days a week, that means I can eat whatever I want, right? WRONG! If you want all that glorious new lean muscle to show through, get rid of that layer of belly fat by eating clean AND incorporating weights and strength into your workout routine.
4) Drink water. Period. And lots of it! Drinking a ton of water is hands down one of the best things you can do for your body. It helps your body systems function better, it clears up your skin, and it makes you FEEL better overall. I know the second I haven't had enough water because I get a headache. It never fails. This is something super easy that you can change about your lifestyle to begin heading down that road of healthiness and happiness.
5) Stop making excuses! If you don't make it a lifestyle change, don't expect to see results. You can't just workout 2 days a week and KIND OF eat clean or "healthy." If you truly want to see your body composition change, you need to STICK WITH IT! Find a friend to be your workout buddy, or join a gym like TBA so you can workout with people who share your fitness and health goals. Find recipes that you are honestly excited about trying. Eating clean does not mean you have to eat plain fish and broccoli every night! I love to try and find yummy and clean alternatives to my favorite comfort foods. Like buffalo chicken quinoa bites instead of chicken wings :)
I know I'm no expert, and some of you may have stopped reading this a thousand words ago, but I do know that I've come a long way in a year, and I am ridiculously proud of myself. I'm not even afraid of sounding conceited saying that. Making this lifestyle change to be HEALTHY and STRONG was the best decision I have ever made. Hands down.
It won't be easy. You will want to give up. You will cry. You will cheat. But if you stick with it, if you persevere, there is no greater glory.
The question isn't whether you are Fit or Fat. The question is..."Do you want to be healthy and strong?"
After my wedding I fell off the wagon a bit, so I can't wait to start this challenge on 9/16 and get myself back on track! I will post periodically as I make my way through the challenge. If I can inspire even one person through this blog, the way that my friends at Tampa Bay Athletics have inspired me, then every word I just typed was worth it.
You have the ability. You can do it. You have the power to make these life changes towards becoming a healthy and strong person! Now...the ball is in your court :)
Monday, August 26, 2013
Every Kid Needs a Champion...
Today's post is a short one, but a BIG ONE!
I have seen this TED Talk by Rita Pierson about five times now, and it never gets old. This might be one of my favorite inspirational videos of all time, and there is no doubt that it will lift your spirits, and remind you why we do what we do as teachers.
I literally want to be this woman when I grow up.
She gives us a much needed reminder of why it's VITAL to get to know your students as people. Not just as a number or test score statistic that you have for a year, and then they're out of your life. We need to believe in our kids and STAY POSITIVE! Sometimes, one word of encouragement, or one moment of kindness will prompt that student to remember you for the rest of their life.
It can be very easy to get discouraged in our profession, and sometimes think our kids "can't do it." This amazing woman will DESTROY that concept with her words of wisdom. I particularly love the part when she speaks of the student receiving a +2 instead of a -18 on a test :)
If you have eight minutes of your time today, WATCH THIS VIDEO! You will be SO GLAD you did!
Have a FABULOUS week :)
I have seen this TED Talk by Rita Pierson about five times now, and it never gets old. This might be one of my favorite inspirational videos of all time, and there is no doubt that it will lift your spirits, and remind you why we do what we do as teachers.
I literally want to be this woman when I grow up.
She gives us a much needed reminder of why it's VITAL to get to know your students as people. Not just as a number or test score statistic that you have for a year, and then they're out of your life. We need to believe in our kids and STAY POSITIVE! Sometimes, one word of encouragement, or one moment of kindness will prompt that student to remember you for the rest of their life.
It can be very easy to get discouraged in our profession, and sometimes think our kids "can't do it." This amazing woman will DESTROY that concept with her words of wisdom. I particularly love the part when she speaks of the student receiving a +2 instead of a -18 on a test :)
If you have eight minutes of your time today, WATCH THIS VIDEO! You will be SO GLAD you did!
Have a FABULOUS week :)
Friday, August 23, 2013
How Fantasy Football had Ruined my Life...
Okay ladies...you know this title caught your attention.
If you have a straight, over twenty, sports obsessed man in your life, chances are you are feeling my pain as this football season is nearing its start. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching football, and I can appreciate the ferocity of sports as much as any guy, BUT I draw the line at this dreaded invention called fantasy football.
Let's begin with the name of the game. FANTASY. FOOTBALL.
Key word being...fantasy. It. Is. Not. Real.
The way my husband talks about his leagues, you would think that:
A. he plays for the NFL himself
B. he has somehow transformed into Bill Belichick and actually coaches the Patriots
C. Life will no longer go on if his team loses that week
D. He literally has actual control over the actions of the players on his teams
Maybe I wouldn't mind so much if he was only in one league. But no. One is not enough. He needs to be in THREE leagues (contemplating 4). Really!? Is that necessary? I feel like that's more complicated than trying to keep track of 120 of my students and their varying abilities, test scores, and exceptionalities.
As my husband got ready for his first draft this evening, he was more nervous and stressed out than he was the day of our wedding! I think it's hilarious that a large group of men get together, chat about their picks, have drinks, and eat finger foods. They may call it a draft party, but I call it a cocktail party.
As much as I dread spending my Sundays with Brett glued to his TV, phone, and computer, there are a few positives that come out of this time of year:
1. It truly makes my husband happy, and for that reason alone, I can live with all of this absurdity.
2. It gives me an opportunity to have girls nights, read an entire book in one sitting, or have some "me" time.
3. If he succeeds, I get to spend some of his winnings on shoes and clothes as my "I tolerated these many weeks of fantasy football conversations" consolation prize.
What happened to the days where we could just enjoy football? Why did we have to introduce competition amongst spectators into the game? As if men needed one other reason to compete with one another.
Well...as we head into another season, I wish all of the men luck. I hope they make the right picks, they choose to play the right guys, and their team wins. But more importantly, I wish the women luck as we deal with everything that comes along when those things DON'T HAPPEN.
Are you ready for some football?
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Oh, the Places You'll Go...
This year, I decided to put my favorite Dr. Seuss quote of all time on my 6th grade language arts class syllabus. I told my students that it was going to be our class motto this year. I told them that before I went over any rules, procedures, or curriculum, it was vital that we discussed this quote...
I read it out loud, and then I looked around the room at my new students for the year. I explained that my job as their teacher this year was to give them the guidance, instruction, and tools that they need to be a successful learner. I also explained that their parents' jobs were to love them, push them to be respectful and get good grades, and to guide them as they become young adults. Then, I explained that NONE of that makes ANY difference if THEY don't have the internal drive and determination to be the best they can be. I gave them that super cheesy idiom, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." I wanted them to begin this school year realizing that they are the ones who will single handedly make the choices and decisions that will make or break their lives as they go through middle and high school, college, and then their careers. They need to be confident. They need to be positive. They need to be great.
Not only did this little quote give my students a confidence boost, and get them excited to start their 6th grade year, but it also gave me a much needed reminder of why I became a teacher in the first place. Sometimes we need to take a step back from the test scores, standards, and data, and we need to remember that we're the ones who get to witness these amazing children make those choices and decisions that will make or break their lives. We get to help them through, teach them the skills they need, praise and celebrate them when they succeed, and help them pick up the pieces when they fall. It may be frustrating at times, and we occasionally may want to give up, but in the end, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I am proud to be an educator.
If you had a bad day today, and you need a little pick-me-up, or you just need a little positivity in your life right now, watch this video of Dr. Seuss' Oh, the Places You'll Go. Be careful, you might feel so inspired, and warm and fuzzy inside, that you'll go out and do something fabulous and crazy! Don't say I didn't warn you :)
It Finally Happened...
...I created a blog.
The first time I thought about doing this, I stopped myself because I figured nobody would ever read it.
The second time I thought about blogging, I stopped myself because I was fairly confident that I wouldn't keep up with it.
The third time I pondered biting the blogging bullet (alliteration!), I stopped myself because my writing dreams were bigger than blogging (alliteration again!).
Last night before bed, my mind was wandering to blogging yet again, and it finally came down to three things: I have way too many ideas and stories about teaching to NOT share them with the world, writing is a passion of mine that I simply can't ignore anymore, and I desperately need something to distract me on Sundays while my husband is consumed with fantasy football.
The decision was made. The blog was created. Here I am.
As this is my very first post, I suppose I should give you a little bit of information about myself. I honestly don't want to bore you all with an extensive "about me" paragraph, so the following describe me in a nutshell: english teacher, wife, fashionista, reader, writer, health and fitness nut, and food lover.
Writing is one of those things that truly makes me happy, and it let's me release all of my pent up frustrations, passion, and energy in a relatively safe and therapeutic way.
I want this blog to inspire. I want it to uplift. I want it to make other teachers take a deep breath and realize they are not alone, and that this job really is exhausting, exhilarating, infuriating, fulfilling, and amazing all rolled into one. I want teachers to read this blog and get ideas they can actually use and adapt in their classrooms. I want them to read this blog after a bad day and laugh hysterically. Above all else, I want teachers to read this blog and realize why we do what we do. I mean, come on, we all know it's not for the money. We teach because we want to make a difference in our kid's lives. Period.
I would be lying if I said that I knew exactly where this was going to lead me, or if I will even keep up with posting on a regular basis. I will promise you this... after 8 years of teaching in a school where 80% of my students receive free or reduced lunch...I have a copious amount of wisdom, tricks, and absolutely hilarious stories to share with the world. And sharing...is exactly what I am going to do.
Who knows...I might even throw in a post here and there about life as a newlywed, my favorite book or movie of the moment, being strong and fit, or my serious shopping obsession.
If you've read this far, I am hoping you stick with me and read my following posts as well. If you've read this far, and actually enjoyed what you've read, please share my blog with someone (or someones) else.
Well...here goes nothing!
The first time I thought about doing this, I stopped myself because I figured nobody would ever read it.
The second time I thought about blogging, I stopped myself because I was fairly confident that I wouldn't keep up with it.
The third time I pondered biting the blogging bullet (alliteration!), I stopped myself because my writing dreams were bigger than blogging (alliteration again!).
Last night before bed, my mind was wandering to blogging yet again, and it finally came down to three things: I have way too many ideas and stories about teaching to NOT share them with the world, writing is a passion of mine that I simply can't ignore anymore, and I desperately need something to distract me on Sundays while my husband is consumed with fantasy football.
The decision was made. The blog was created. Here I am.
As this is my very first post, I suppose I should give you a little bit of information about myself. I honestly don't want to bore you all with an extensive "about me" paragraph, so the following describe me in a nutshell: english teacher, wife, fashionista, reader, writer, health and fitness nut, and food lover.
Writing is one of those things that truly makes me happy, and it let's me release all of my pent up frustrations, passion, and energy in a relatively safe and therapeutic way.
I want this blog to inspire. I want it to uplift. I want it to make other teachers take a deep breath and realize they are not alone, and that this job really is exhausting, exhilarating, infuriating, fulfilling, and amazing all rolled into one. I want teachers to read this blog and get ideas they can actually use and adapt in their classrooms. I want them to read this blog after a bad day and laugh hysterically. Above all else, I want teachers to read this blog and realize why we do what we do. I mean, come on, we all know it's not for the money. We teach because we want to make a difference in our kid's lives. Period.
I would be lying if I said that I knew exactly where this was going to lead me, or if I will even keep up with posting on a regular basis. I will promise you this... after 8 years of teaching in a school where 80% of my students receive free or reduced lunch...I have a copious amount of wisdom, tricks, and absolutely hilarious stories to share with the world. And sharing...is exactly what I am going to do.
Who knows...I might even throw in a post here and there about life as a newlywed, my favorite book or movie of the moment, being strong and fit, or my serious shopping obsession.
If you've read this far, I am hoping you stick with me and read my following posts as well. If you've read this far, and actually enjoyed what you've read, please share my blog with someone (or someones) else.
Well...here goes nothing!
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